Here are some examples of fraud schemes used in auto accident claims:
1. Added Damage: The fraud perpetrator intentionally causes damage to his vehicle after an accident in order to inflate the overall value of the claim to minimize the impact of his deductible and to substantiate “injuries” sustained in the accident.
2. False Assistance: Ever been waived on by a helpful motorist? Watch out. This is a typical scam. The scammer will give you a quick wave, then drive into your path causing a collision. They will then deny ever signaling to you and claim you were at fault for their damage and injuries.
3. Hit & Run – This one hurts insurance customers in the pocketbook. It takes place when someone damages their car without involving anyone else, like if they hit a tree or telephone pole. They will typically blame the accident on a “phantom driver” that dissappeared after the accident.
4. Quick Stop. This will often involve more than one person in the scammer vehicle. They will get in front of you and have a passenger watch for you to pick up a cell phone, take a swig of coffee, or watch the pretty ladies walking down the street. When you are visibly distracted, the passenger will tell the driver to slam on the brakes, and you will inevitably rearend them. They will then deny ever stopping short and will blame you for damages and injuries to the driver and passengers.
5. Paper Accident – This is not an accident at all. It is a fake accident, sometimes without actual cars or people! It is often perpetrated by several people in concert such as bogus attorneys, collision shops, and health care providers that submit phony paperwork for accidents that never happen and get paid for damages and injuries that were simply made up!
6. Good Samaratin - If you are involved in an accident, even if the circumstances of the accident are legitimate, there are many opportunities for you to be lured into fraudulent activities. If persons who promise to make everything right approach you on the street, in your hospital room, or at your home, beware. They may be looking to cash in on inflated auto damage estimates or opportunities to falsify and embellish injury claims to crash the claims office of your insurance company.
7. Sideswipe – This involves double or triple turning lanes. The scammer will make multiple left turns just waiting for an opportunity to accellerate when an innocent victim happens to turn his attention away. When the collision occurs, the scammer will blame everyone else for the accident as well as to jump on the injury bandwagon.
8. Swoop and Squat – This is when a scammer steers his car in front of the victim and stops suddenly (the “squat”) while his partner in another vehicle pulls along side preventing the victim from steering out of the situation. The result is a rear end collision, which is very difficult to defend.
9. T-Bone – Another teamwork job. The scammer will run a red light and drive into the side of passing vehicle. His buddies will be standing on the corners and will gladly tell the police that the victim ran a red light.